Venice Gardens Foundation is committed to respecting, protecting and safeguarding the botanical, artistic and architectural heritage as well as to recognising the founding role that this heritage plays in a social and community context, fostering harmonious accord between spirit and nature.
GardensThe Foundation, through a system of international cooperation, collaborates with researchers and artists in the creation of works that combine nature and artistic languages in all their elements, and supports the publication of texts on garden culture.
Adele Re Rebaudengo President
Chiara Bertola
Alvise di Canossa
Anna Cuculo
Maria Cristina Fatta Del Bosco
Marie-Rose Kahane
Gesine Lübben
Agostino Re Rebaudengo
Roberto Spada
Simone Bemporad
Unione Europea NextGeneration EU
Soprintendenza Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per il Comune di Venezia e Laguna
Fondazione di Venezia
Friends of Venice
Gruppo Generali
Intesa Sanpaolo
The Guillon Family of Fondation Valmont
The Roger Thomas & Arthur Libera Family Foundation
The Venice International Foundation
Van Cleef & Arpels
Asja Ambiente Italia
Fondazione Cologni Mestieri d’Arte
Fondazione Hillary Merkus Recordati
Fondazione il pomo d’oro
Sattis Arterìa
Siram Veolia
Stella Design Venezia
Andy Bianchedi
Luca Bombassei
Franca Coin
Luigi Macioce
Francesca Masiero
Roberta Polato Rossi
Massimo Sordella
Anna Zegna
Friends of Heritage Preservation
Gian Luigi Simone
Federica de Dominicis Simone
Giuseppe Rallo